Industry insights

  • Insights of Large Practice

    Recently as part of a new initiative from Built Environment Channel called Material Matters, I spoke with a series of senior architects from a large practice in Melbourne. The purpose of this panel discussion was to see how a larger architectural practice navigates product specification and to identify key pain points. 

  • On the chopping block

    Australia’s most mainstream building products marketing vehicle is back for another year. Channel Nine’s ‘The Block’ is what many people may think of when it comes to advertising building products.

  • Is your website stopping specifications?

    You have done the hard yards. An architect has seen your advertising, they engaged with it and remembered it. Now their project needs your product. They visit your website and find beautiful images of your product used in similar projects. They are ready to specify and suddenly your website says STOP!

  • What place does price have in product specification?

    The Australian construction industry is currently struggling with very high costs of construction. This is influencing which projects are continued and which ones are delayed or discontinued. In this challenging context, how is it best to give pricing information?

  • De-facto Product Bans

    Did you know that architects often instigate unofficial bans on building products? These bans can be product specific or category wide, they might be across a whole practice or just the project architect leading the team.

  • The golden rule for marketing to architects and specifiers

    Creating great architecture is a highly complex process that requires a very broad knowledge base across hundreds of subject areas. The reality of these projects is that it takes a big team all working to their own strengths in order to deliver a quality result for the clients and end users.

  • How well do you understand Architects?

    Understanding the decision-making process of architects is critical for building product suppliers who rely upon specification for sales. It is one of the most common mistakes to assume that the considerations of a home renovator or end user will be broadly the same as the architect.

  • What is your competitive advantage?

    In almost all product categories, architects are spoilt for choice. In such a competitive market where the architect has this flexibility of choice, the question is: why should they specify your product, instead of your competitors?

  • Make your website specifier friendly

    For the specifier, retrieving the right information from a supplier website can be a very frustrating process. It can be very time consuming scrolling through pages of text looking for that one key dimension that needs to be confirmed.

  • How big is your audience?

    For suppliers, having your marketing efforts reach the specifier is critical to your business. Architects direct over $170 Billion of spending on building products each year, but just how many architects are out there who contribute to this?