Industry insights

Michael Smith is the consulting architect for Built Environment Channel and lead consultant of Spec Up.

What is your competitive advantage?

In almost all product categories, architects are spoilt for choice. Will we choose this panel supplier or that panel supplier? Which lift company will we choose? How about window frames?

In such a competitive market where the architect has this flexibility of choice, the question is: why should they specify your product, instead of your competitors? Brand awareness might get you to the decision table, but brand awareness alone is not going to prevent your product being supplanted by a competitor’s product. This is particularly the case if your product is prone to the ‘value engineering’ process, where architects and builders need to find cost savings in order to make their design budget work.

Architects need to know what your product can do, that others cannot. It might be that your product has an environmental advantage, or a superior technical capability. Your competitive advantage might also be to do with your company itself such as superior technical knowledge, local manufacturing or availability.

Your advertising creative needs to be driving these messages, so that your product becomes the clear stand out in the crowd.

Once again it comes back to understanding your target audience and what drives their decision making.

If you need help reviewing your advertising creative, or understanding what aspects of your product are most valuable to architects, Spec Up can assist. We offer everything from one off strategy sessions, through to ongoing programs of continuous support.