Industry insights

Michael Smith is the consulting architect for Built Environment Channel and lead consultant of Spec Up.

Make your website specifier friendly

A recent research paper produced for Strata Knowledge Pty Ltd and ALSPEC found that a majority of building product websites they studied significantly underperformed in terms of information transparency, accessibility and readability.

For the specifier, retrieving the right information from a supplier website can be a very frustrating process. It can be very time consuming scrolling through pages of text looking for that one key dimension that needs to be confirmed.

It is equally frustrating when websites are dominated by video content. Whilst consumers and home renovators love watching videos, for a specifier they have limited value. A video cannot be referenced on a drawing or in a document, and specifiers are unlikely to want to sit through 10 minutes of promotional images to find out key product information.

To increase the likelihood of being specified, make sure your website is set out in a logical manner. Consider providing a separate section for architects and specifiers. Importantly make sure that your website search bar returns valuable results and helps navigate people to the right information.


For more tips on how to improve specification success, get in touch