Australia’s leading strategic agency for building product marketing to architects

If your product relies upon being specified by architects,
a deep understanding of architects is critical

Spec up provides deep industry insights for product marketing in the building industry

Utilizing a practicing architect as a subject matter expert, Spec Up ensures your marketing efforts are resonating with specifiers and equipping them with all the information they need to select and specify your product with confidence.

Over the last six years, in addition to being a practicing architect, our lead consultant has gained extensive experience working closely with the marketing teams from product suppliers as Consulting Architect to Built Environment Channel.

Through Spec Up your marketing team can now access this unique expertise.

Bridging the gap between product marketing and architectural specifying

Many product suppliers are experts at designing, manufacturing, and distributing their products to the broad Australian market.

However, they often struggle in effectively communicating with architects in a way which will lead to an architect specifying their product.

Sometime the problem might be as simple as using the wrong wording, wrong product images or having incomplete information.

Spec Up can help you successfully bridge the marketing to specification gap.


“Spec Up has been instrumental for our business.”


“Their expertise and thoughtful guidance have been invaluable in refining our approach and enhancing our business..”

Built Environment Channel

“I couldn’t recommend Spec Up more sincerely to anyone looking for greater insight into the mind of an architect.”

Our Solutions

  • Spec Up Circle helps building products professionals be more effective in their roles.

    Spec Up Circle is the membership based knowledge community for marketing, sales and executives in the building products industry.

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  • The expert guidance program puts an architect on your team to field questions, provide industry insights, and act as a sounding board for your business.

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  • A strategic planning session with our industry expert can help provide feedback or guidance so that you don’t miss a business opportunity

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  • The product review service can make sure your product range is meeting the needs of industry.

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  • Sometimes even small omissions can be the difference between a product being specified and an architect looking elsewhere.

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  • Have your product brochures reviewed to make sure that they are fit for purpose.

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  • With our sales team professional development package, you can provide feedback to the sales team on their pitch and help them get back on track with their presentations.

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